Friday, March 14, 2008

Cathal Ó Searcaigh

Ni gaeilgeoir me. But I am an ordinary level Irish student and recently I found myself pulled into the debate on controversial poet Cathal Ó Searcaigh and his outright admittance to sexual encounters with 16 year old Nepalese boys. Ó Searcaigh's poem 'Nil Aon Ni' is possibly the easiest poem on the Irish syllabus. I can't help but wish that the poet who wrote the more complex 'Bimse Buaim...' was the perpetrator of such a disgusting act. Then, more than likely, we could cross that out of the book. But alas, it was Cathal and so I believe that we should ditch his poetry from our textbooks and maybe get something a little easier. Unless Gabriel Rosenstock has some skeletons in his cófra.

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